Dear Lady Doc,

Welcome to February!
 Did you notice the perfect dates? It is interesting when dates fall in perfectly just like today, the 1st of Feb that fell on a Monday. It also spurs thoughts of alignment with your design; what you most probably have spent the first 31 days of 2021 doing.
Design is simply any plan strategically put together to achieve a desired outcome, in this case, your 2021 goals. Did you take out time to set your goals following the goal-setting session with Dr. Jummy? 2021 will be for you what you have designed it to be and with intentionality, you will become by the end of 2021, the version of you that you have designed. Here are some tips you may find helpful to stay aligned as you launch out in 2021:Articulate your ‘WHY’; the reason behind a thing or action. “Why do you really want to become the new version of you that you have designed?” This will help keep you consistent no matter the odds the year brings your way.  At the last goal setting session, you may recall how Dr. Jummy advised your goals should be SMARTER not just SMART. Hopefully, we all paid attention to this detail and have designed our 2021 goals to stretch us but still be achievable. If you missed this detail, be sure to update it accordingly. Finally, intentionality! This word could easily be the single most important word you should live by. Remember you will become by the end of 2021 who you have decided (through design) to be. One effective method to stay intentional is to apply the principle of imagination. Vision boarding rides on the wings of imagination and helps you not only to articulate your vision of who you want to become but keeps you in touch with it, which in turn predisposes you to actually take the actions needed. QUICK TIP: If possible, as often as you look at your mirror to remind yourself of what you look like, do the same with your vision board. Get rolling with this clip on how to create a vision board for yourself.

 While at it, do have a happy new week and have a love-filled February. 
Practice these lifestyle tips for a healthy heart. It’s never too early to start!!!

It’s heart health month and here at EIM, beyond empowering you with career success tips we also love to empower you with tools to live well and have a healthy heart.

Here are some tips that are proven to prevent heart disease and stroke and help you will a healthier life.
 A Mediterranean style diet is proven to prevent heart disease and stroke. Adopt the AMA recommendation of 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week. Quit smoking or vaping. Reduce alcohol intake and avoid binge drinking. Start an annual wellness exam visit and have a baseline of appropriate labs and screenings bases on your age, family history, and risk factors. Try to get more hours of sleep in. Live free of worry, malice, or unforgiveness Cultivate a new skill, passion, and hobby.  

 Hey SPEC docs! 
I’m Dr. D, welcome to my segment on this newsletter.

Here I intend to keep us charged upon our journey towards achieving goals, keep updated with Community News and bring in a little sugar and spice for the new Month. 

Like most of us, I’ve been on this journey of goals, and based on my challenges I hope that we can find common ground and learn together and have some fun in the process. 

On a scale of 1-10, how committed were you to your goals this January? What did you discover about yourself in the process? How do you think you can do better in February? 

I believe these are pertinent questions we should ask ourselves.

I must confess I fell off the wagon myself and brooded in self-pity for a bit but hey It’s a fresh month and a new opportunity to try again but this time being more deliberate and I’d say accountable.

For those of us who have mastered habit-forming and have even more clarity and focus concerning our goals well.

Congratulations! You are goals!!!!  Let your wins be your motivation and reminders that you can also achieve the bigger goals. 

Ultimately, it’s one day at a time, one win at a time, one lesson at a time, that leads us to become the women that encompass all we have on our vision boards! The world is waiting!

  January brought us so much motivation from EIM and if you plugged in  I’m sure you were on a constant motivational high for most of the month.

First, we had a session with our very own Mentor Extraordinaire, Dr. Jummy on “Building Consistency through Deliberateness” where we were introduced to our 90 Days and Crush my goals Planners, and we officially started the 90 Days Accountability Challenge. 

Personally, using the Crush my Goals planned has been interesting. It has been a constant reminder that I must stay committed and consistent with my goals towards achieving the results I want to see. 

Our January master-mind kicked in the year with a heart to heart session with Dr. Funmbi Makinde where she shared from her heart.

She reminded us about the importance of having a mentor to help you chart our course in the residency journey, about the importance of a solid support system in residency which may also include out-sourcing tasks when we can, and gave us tips on how to set realistic deadlines and achieve goals during residency. 

The Residency Roundtable session also launched with Dr. Yetunde affirming our Nigerian residents, reminding us that the journey of residency would stretch us, but the numerous benefits would be worth the troubles in the end.

She empowered us with detailed tips on the Nigerian Residency route; How to choose a specialty, Exams to write, Factors to consider in choosing a training institution, Peculiarities of Residency in Nigeria, and of the female resident.

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