In ancient times having power meant having access to data. Today having power means knowing what to ignore.” Yuval Noah Harari.
 For the excellent lady doc, this would mean the art of prioritization and ensuring focus on the most important things for the most productivity.
Prioritization involves taking a good look at what you have on your plate and figuring out which you will do first and which you will leave for the later time, while ‘Focus’ is that art of deep work, doing only this one thing for a long period of time; being able to get into a flow state, mentally and accomplishing more.
We live in a time when we are more prone to distractions than ever! When it is not the addiction to the technology that helps us accomplish our tasks, it is life in itself.
Yes, life gets in the way but doesn’t it always?
In 2021, as excellent lady docs we are empowered for success on our goals to the extent that we can guard against distractions; anything that takes us further away from our goals.

 2021 is the year to be a ninja for your goals!
Did you know that Focus is the #1 skill of the 21st century? And Just like any other skill can be learned, so can you master the skills of focus and prioritization for productivity.
Below are some nuggets you might find helpful for focus and prioritization:

Have a plan you feel clear about: Often when we struggle to maintain focus it is because we lack clarity about what we need to do next and so the next best action does not feel clear to us. For instance, if you are trying to lose weight but not clear on which activities you need to do to get there you are likely to experience a staggered process. If you find yourself in this spot, reach out to your mentors. This is one of the benefits of belonging to the EIM community.

Practice meditation and mindfulness: This one always shows up! Meditation can reduce stress, and anxiety and improve attention span, relationships, emotional stability, focus, and working memory capacity. Also, mapping out time every day to glance through your goals, vision boards, or journal can help re-focus and keep you in sync with what is most important.

Make technology a useful tool: some really cool apps that encourage you to be more productive and less distracted by your phone. Forrest is an app that rewards you each time you focus well, motivating you in a fun way and encouraging you to leave your phone well alone.

Schedule a distraction time: it is important to schedule distraction time just as it is important to schedule for deep focus. The average attention span for an adult is between 15 and 40 minutes. After this, distractions become more powerful, and paying attention becomes more difficult. So, while taking a short break might seem unproductive, in the long run, it makes the brain more efficient towards a task. 

“Event + Response = Outcome”: You have the power to decide what to pay attention to per time. Whatever comes your way, your response will determine your experience afterward. 

Create Goals That Satisfy Your Highest Priorities: According Mark Twain, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” Others believe they need to first tackle tasks they can get done quickly and easily before diving into the tougher ones.                                                                                         
Whether you choose to eat the big frog first or prefer to get some small work done to find a sense of accomplishment and clarity that allows them to focus and tackle bigger items,  it is important to identify your priorities are and set goals on them.         
Finally, ladies, the point is to be reminded that we must give ourselves the best chance for success. As we begin the month of March, let’s keep our energy and focus on the important things so that by the end of 2021 we would achieve the success we desire (whatever success means to you).
What we focus on, we will be consistent on, which in turn will expand!      In March we move!! Stay focused! Keep going! 

If you’ve been at the ends of both spectrums of comfort and discomfort, you are likely to agree with me that maintaining your drive in the midst of comfort is harder. Yes!

Think about it: when you were placed under relatively harsher conditions, driven to deliver by external propelling forces, you probably complained, but you still delivered. You see, your brain didn’t register it as a choice to either deliver or not, you KNEW you had to. (Case in point: medical school!)

Being around discomfort is enough driving force for most people because then, we are programmed to do whatever it takes to survive.

Sadly, most people lose their drive at that tricky midpoint between just surviving and actually thriving.

This midpoint is slightly more comfortable than where you used to be-but not quite where you’re headed. The gnawing temptation at this point is to relax a bit…chill…enjoy; and while this can have immense benefits, it is very risky on the path to self-actualization.

I’ve heard it said that the enemy of success is not failure, but past success. Yes, I believe this to be true. Because here, you are the driver- you and no one else gets to choose when to keep going and when to take breaks or engage in self-denial of comforts.

What it Takes to Achieve Your Actual Goals: Be Intensely Self-Driven

Look, you can settle for the dreams that are handed to you on the road to achieving your actual goals, or you can dare to believe that these midpoint achievements aren’t enough.  You can choose to decide that the road isn’t the destination, and NOTHING will stop you from reaching your set destination.

Imagine that you have to reach the 8th floor of a building in 20 minutes for you to finally self-actualize a goal, and to get there, you need to climb up the stairs. You get to the 4th floor and there’s an amazing café with free treats…cakes, berries, the best wine! At this juncture, you have two choices: stop at the 4th floor and enjoy these treats (while forfeiting your goal that would be accomplished at the 8th floor), or keep climbing until you get to the 8th floor. What do you choose?

(To be honest, I’d grab a quick bite at the café before continuing my journey, but that’s beside the point, haha!)  

The truth is:

You had goals.

You had specific dreams.

Are you going to simply settle for less because you’re now in a place that offers you some degree of comfort and you can “get by”? That wasn’t the plan ab-initio, and it would be a slap on the face of God who made you for more and placed those burning dreams and visions in you. It would be a sad thing to fail at your purpose and thus make the journeys of those who were attached to your purpose, longer and more tiring.

Harsh words…I know, but sometimes we need to be violently realistic with ourselves if we will reach our set goals.

Dear Excellent Lady Doc, as the month of February, ends and you launch into a new month, re-evaluate your goals. 

Look around you and discard any dead weight that might stop you from running your life’s race with utmost discipline and consistency. Make clarity your friend as you rigorously cut down any weeds of confusion growing in your mind.

You are now responsible for the attainment of your set goals, and nothing should stop you. Discomfort didn’t allow some measure of comfort to get in your way either!

Happy new month Excellent lady doc.

EIM is cheering you on!!

Dr. Oyepeju.

Excellence in Medicine Women Physicians Network.
 A mentoring and networking community to empower ambitious female physicians with resources, opportunities, and support to excel and impact in life, career, and globally. Re-defining #WomeninmedicineAfrica. Visit our website to learn more about what we do and how we can help you on your journey.

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