Dr. Fumbi thrives as a woman who chose a path in a surgical specialty and she took us on her journey with simplicity and practicality. Her journey gives us a practical and real-life view; first of how she arrived at her decision to become a surgeon and then her journey through her residency program.

Highlights from today’s meeting:

  • Residency is not for everybody; she gave proof of non-clinicians who are thriving in other paths.
  • Her choice of a surgical path was based on *PASSION. She experienced fulfillment when she realized that she was helping to restore sight.
  • She combined this passion with careful observation of how she felt in her different postings (SELF-AWARENESS)
  • In addition, she was intentional in her approach to her application (RESEARCH) without being overly dependent on public announcements about openings. (DETERMINED)

NOTE: If after careful consideration, becoming a clinician is not for you, there are paths that let you stay within the confines of the Health care or allow you to apply your knowledge of medicine.

Some of these other routes as highlighted by Dr. Fumbi are: The academic route, Working with Pharmaceuticals, Economics, Governmental Roles, Hospital administration

Challenges of Choosing a Surgical Specialty

The most challenging part of choosing a surgical path is the fact that a woman will usually wear many caps in different seasons of her life (like getting married and raising kids) and so juggling these with the long commitment of residency can be daunting. Notwithstanding, it’s doable and with careful planning/ a well laid out strategy, you’d ace it!

Top Strategies of Acing a Tough Specialty Program (e.g. a Surgical Specialty)

Top strategies shared by Dr. Fumbi:

  • Preserve your energy: It is your currency; do not feel guilty paying for help with home-front chores.
  • Counter that feeling of guilt with the truth that by paying someone you are providing them employment. You are making an impact 🤷🏾‍♀️
  • Boldness and humility: be prepared to see people younger than you who are more knowledgeable.   Be willing to be the fool for the benefit of learning
  • Tolerance& tenacity in her words, be willing to “eat and enjoy shit”, keeping your eyes on the goal.
  • Have fun take pictures, go for parties, be intentional about your looks while also being yourself, love will find you!
  • Seek for favor from your creator.

Career opportunities in ophthalmology include: collaborating with doctors in other specialties to set up a clinic/hospital, working with the Armed Forces, working with the government at the Federal/State level, working in the private sector, lecturing.

Loved this EIM Snapshot? Read our previous snapshots on Dealing with Anxiety and the Nigerian Route to Medical Residency.


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