30 Daily Power-Boosters for the Lady Doc

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Day 6 (06/11/2020)

“Write the vision down”

I just stumbled upon a goal written down in May, 2018. At the time, there was no way I could have achieved it, it sounded so huge! After conducting a brief review, I realized that I only just got close enough to hitting that mark by August, 2020. That’s progress.

Realizing how much progress I’ve made has only been possible because I wrote the vision down. Now, when discouragement is about to set in, I have hard facts to refute it.

Writing dreams that seem ‘impossible’ in the moment is something I’d encourage you to do, for its numerous benefits. Not only does it remind you of the fire you walked through to get to this point in your journey, it also fuels you for the next steps you have to take (we are more confident when we remember our past wins)

So go on, get writing!  


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