30 Daily Power-Boosters for the Lady Doc

Day 13 (13.11.2020)

We Aren’t Promised Forever: Live, Laugh, Love

Sounds simple enough… of course, we wouldn’t live forever. How practical is this knowledge to you? This is one of the powerful lessons this year has taught me, as I experienced a major loss that caused a paradigm shift in the way I approached life.

Yes, we all have this moment, but it’s fleeting. We like to think we can postpone our happiness because we don’t have all that we think we need, but maybe we can’t. You can’t say, with every ounce of certainty, that you have a specified number of years in the future to spend with your loved ones. Hard pill to swallow, but so so true.

If this knowledge is deeply embedded in your subconscious mind, you’d live a much fuller life, because you know every second counts! Laugh with reckless abandon, love voraciously, forgive easily, enjoy every moment you’ve got, and keep memories dear to your heart. This way, 20-30 years down the line, you would have fun memories to hold on to, instead of regrets.


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