30 Daily Power-Boosters for the Lady Doc

Day 7 (07/11/2020)

“Water your own garden”

It’s easy to get fixated on what’s going on well in another person’s life, while downplaying your own progress.

As a tiny seed, envy can grow into a mighty tree that yields doubt, self-loathing and unwarranted negative reactions to the person/people you’re envious of.

Since no one is immune from envy, one way to get out of it is by keeping your eyes on your journey and refusing to be intimidated by another’s progress. Remember, you don’t know how much work this other person has invested into self-development and besides, your paths in life aren’t the same.

When you notice envious feelings growing within your mind, you must deal with it at its roots immediately. Allowing it to fester might not be the good idea you thought it’d be, as you would have given those thoughts enough time to grow into possible disdain for the other party. Dealing with envy radically always pays off!


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