Hey Fam, I’m so sorry for the one week silence, though nothing much has happened save for the fact that I’m preparing for my psychiatry and dermatology end-of-posting examination.
It has been one wonderful ride, trying to understand the “very small” skin manifestations with “very big” names. This has by far, been the most boring posting I’ve ever done. I’ve never been so exhausted as I am right now, and the posting won’t just end. Thankfully by Friday, it will be history.
But I marvelled at how much these lesions are mistaken for each other by the common man, (which I belonged to until these past few months) restricting ringworm to just the head and referring to other bodily manifestations (tinea corporis) as eczema, referring to all facial manifestations as pimples(acne) not knowing that it could also be rosacea. I for one never knew that acne could be infected, I thought it was always about excessive oil(sebum) production. And I never considered black heads on the body (say back) as acne. To me, they were just some skin reactions to water or soap.
Psychiatry on the other hand was quite interesting. I understood the various stages of mental illness and that not every mentally ill person has to be raving mad and looking all dirty and naked on the street. I just wish there was a way to pick up those on the highway and bring them to the hospital where they can be attended to. Some cases may not even be as serious as those already being treated, just that they had someone to sound the alarm and turn them in before they could get on the streets.
There is a very thin line between mental health and mental illness.
In a nutshell, the supposed two months out of my final year journey is off.
I look forward to ophthalmology, ENT, radiology and anaesthesiology, the special postings in surgery.
Have a splendid week ahead.
Categories: Uncategorized
Aarinola · March 22, 2021 at 10:14 pm
It’s good to know that you’re pushing through, Rhoda. Dermatology is that posting that bores you initially but when you commit to making a spot diagnosis of any kind of skin lesion, you will be amazed at how soon you’d become a pro!
Great piece!
rhodes · March 23, 2021 at 12:06 am
Exactly. Thank you Dr Aarin
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