30 Daily Power-Boosters for the Lady Doc

Day 4 (04/11/2020)
Do you consider yourself a rebel? So different in ideology, you sometimes stand out like a sore thumb? Regardless of what anyone would have you believe, that is your strength: don’t allow it to be repressed.
Rebels/instigators are agents of change, leaders of movements, vision carriers; forever carrying dreams in their hearts that could change the world.
If this is you; the one who’s perpetually unsatisfied with the way things are in your department, for example (knowing it could be much much better), then you must realize- as a matter of urgency- that you carry power. This dissatisfaction isn’t an inconvenience, it’s a call to change things with the power resident within you.
So today, reflect on what makes you utterly dissatisfied, what feels you with rage that you often have to tone down because it isn’t seen as ‘orderly’ or ‘doctor-ly’. Write it down, run it over in your mind, seek inspiration and guidance and eventually, your light bulb moment will come and you’d know what to do.